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Lego Serious Play

You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation – Plato

About LSP

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) methodology is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on extensive research which shows that this kind of hands-on, “play” context produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, LSP stimulates imagination and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone in the organisation.

LSP uses LEGO bricks in directed exercises to build models that metaphorically represent elements in your organisation. These models then serve as the basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing and problem solving and help foster creative thinking and finding unique solutions.


We believe that collaboration and innovation are at the heart of today’s businesses. LSP is a powerful tool to foster these processes, because through LSP workshops participants picture, find connections and explore new opportunities and potential solutions in a collaborative approach and from a new perspective.


Organisations, whether private or public, use the LSP methodology when they want to unlock the full potential of their employees – and when they want everyone to participate, contribute and commit to the solution. Typically the workshops focus on challenging issues or developing strategies.

Lego Serious Play Workshop in California
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All LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops are collective processes that are designed around a limited number of powerful core concepts. These conceptual modules can be configured in multiple ways to best meet your needs. A workshop based on the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology varies in the number of participants and time depending on the topic. Usually a one full-day session is effective. At its shortest, a session takes three or four hours; the longest sessions may extend to three days.

All of our workshops using the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method are delivered by trained facilitators who have undergone an official LSP certification.

We offer workshops using LSP for:

  • Concept development

  • Product/service launch

  • Building business models

  • Building strategies: company, marketing, etc.

  • Team building

  • Organisational change

How much does it cost?

Sessions will be catered to your need and priced accordingly. A typical 6-hour session cost about 4,500 USD. But don’t be encouraged, reach out and see what we can do for you.

When should you use LSP?

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology is effective when there is more than one possible right answer, and when the organisation wants to bring together all available knowledge in the team in order not only to find the best possible solution.


It is particularly effective when:

  • the subject is complex and multifaceted and there is a need to grasp the bigger picture and explore options

  • it is important to reach decisions which everyone commits to

  • everyone in the group has an interest or stake in what is on the agenda

  • you want to increase team understanding and at the same time avoid frustration

  • you want to use the time efficiently

  • there are no obvious answers

  • you would like to gain new learning, insights and new ways of thinking

  • you want to deal with tough and complex issues in a constructive atmosphere

  • you want to create a level playing field for discussion

Reach out today for your Lego Serious Play Workshop in California.​

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